Saturday, December 11, 2010

Spanish Wording For Reply Cards

Saturday, 11:12:10

This week did almost nothing ... unfortunately. Originally advance our civil contractors, dig the hole with gravel and compacted fill. But the snowfall, which last week took us to the geothermal bore already upset by the bill, prevented this, too.

The day is not just start yesterday good to be awakened at 07:00 by the clock radio alarm clock. And in the time it takes to move his arm to kill the alarm, only to hear a sentence: "Our snow-clearing vehicles stuck everywhere. "Simmering falls into place, that is the happy owner of Schneeräumtafel for the property.

Instead of the usual 50-10 minutes 40 minutes Hardcore blades were announced. The fact that such a" record winter "(somehow are only a record winter or summer, if we are to believe the papers), the construction of winter break, be a nuisance, but of course can not be prevented.

Instantaneous stand is that it will Monday start with the excavation. We believe if you take the first vice but they are very very skeptical. And hope that Peter has a show ...


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