Monday, March 7, 2011

Good Cleaner To Use To Clean Headliner In Car

Monday, 07:03:11 fears:)

Since Saturday afternoon we were shaking because of the missing Baustromkastens (actually're two - the second is the counter of the municipal utilities have been located) and had given up hope a long way. The cable on the earth rod, which was still there, was merely pinched off, which somehow spoke both for and against theft proper disassembly of the electrician.

Today gabs then clear, after we were asleep after the night shift very bad: in consultation with Mr. Electricians call from the same business, he actually has the boxes had already been collected. At least one quarry we noticed from the heart and the rest of the day was saved!

came Today Measuring the Mömax for our kitchen. Also ran without a hitch - fit the height and the order is executed. Delivery is scheduled for late April or early May, which suits us perfectly in my stuff. Was also equal to a few special requests (raised work surface in two places) - see how big the hole in the budget that is as broken.

were also plastered the plasterers already at work and have reinforcements (or how hot this better mosquito net). Next week comes the rest of the external plaster. And even then our stand off and see the house in all its glory.

spent the rest of the day we returned empty now with DIY. This weekend at Obi gabs again a stampede from Friday to Monday - also known as 20% of sales staff.

Six months ago, we has already saved a chunk of money, or two, this time we had for the bath products of PCI, "the Mercedes of sanitary products - both in price, and quality, buy.

after calming consultation with Hornbach, the cheapest selbsterkorenen Hardware at the location, is their price guarantee, even if percentages were somewhere else.

our schedule so that indeed requires a lot of time and patience, but a lot of money saved: Compare prices

the local dealer (which we had already had a 4-6 weeks' Obi, Hornbach and Baywa, and on the internet). wait

The top 20%.

Notice that the Hornbach, although clearly the cheapest, but after deduction of 20% of the obi is usually slightly cheaper. In Lastogum and Gisogrund (liquid rubber seal or primer) they are initially almost equal. What clever at prices around 60 € for this stuff pure beats.

to Obi, not trample on the herds of confused cart pusher and bargain hunters can.

take pictures of the prizes.

to Hornbach, friendly ne price guarantee request, show the laptop with the images (which evoked enthusiastic admiration for the sellers).

waiting and then enjoy the savings of 30% of the original Obi-prices or between 10 and 30% for the Hornbach prices.

must repeat it in every department, however, funny enough, will have to confirm that every time the store manager by phone, what the poor man is with us exactly happened four times.

As mentioned - if you have time and patience - no problem. Had we had more time to prepare, would be our patch and the wooden terrace been so reduced. But surely come the next 20% ...

morning, it is a date with our construction manager. From there also will begin the increased ventilation phase, as we have today concluded that the surface has condemned a lot of moisture gives off that accumulates on the windows and window sills. Since we have no desire to mold (as it happened to many peasants finger house in winter), we are daily jet twice Gen new home and ventilation.

Here are some pictures:

Our living room ... so soon

Small dollar question: what is it?

us the other day a colleague asked how that we have going on with the water that rains down the chimney. We were bare, but the puzzle could solve today: it flows into the container below. Hopefully at least.

A recent exterior view. The windows were sealed to protect the Verputzerfirma.

And here that with the price guarantee. Original price for NEN Ytong Obi-stone with 10 cm width: 2,59 €.

In Hornbach: 2,35 €

Obi minus 20%: 2.07 €

The price at Hornbach again less 10% Price Guarantee: 1.86 €

At 25 stones So you save over the original price Hornbach € 12.25. Not the world, but we can say that it is läppert!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Do I Get Into My Honeywell 3 Lock Box

Dear readers,

occur again and again the arguments, but would Kissing the burden of the B 2, the chemical plant
etc. All these problems are known to us, but right now it's the BI primarily to another, not yet built issue.
But we have before us to use our club in the future for Kissing and improve deficiencies.
please contact us with your suggestions to club members so that these issues in the association are discussed. The link to the club, see the tab bar above the "Top + habitat Kissing eV.

Gold Desert 50 Fiyatı

Krema Song

Someone's Breath Smells Like Smoke


We have a new section opened up in the tab bar: "Contributions from the population."
it we reveal the presence of Kiss Ingern that we have been made available for publication.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Enter E 210 Tv Tuner Card Driver

Saturday, 05:03:11 current and thieves

Since this week is now also "real" electricity on site. And the water is thawed, it is a nuisance that way.

The heat pump was also set in motion well after previously a board was broken. Thus, a screed was nothing in the way and the Knauf'sche quality product (we hope) could be included.

then to the raves: it can not have any social misfits take to steal at least our wood slats. They were originally used by finger-to-house been to fix the walls and other parts of the building to the trucks. Normally be either disposed of or - as in our case - from the builders re-used. We had, for example, which used to lock floor and ceiling reinforcement for the lamps. For the rest it would have been good use of opportunities.

That is not the huge loss, but fortunately we had not done the nails out, otherwise we would have teased more. Now comes a big BUT:

Our Baustromkasten and the second box (the numerator) are also gone. Now we do not know if the electrician has picked up the things, because he works from the city was agreed, or the brazen thieves have even taken yet. In the second case it will certainly get expensive for us. At Electricians unfortunately on this Saturday no one could be reached - it is to say tremble until Monday.

Our insurance would cover the well or do not have a deductible of 500 €. And how are we to make a statement without the counter, I am also a mystery. But hope dies last.

Here is a picture with screed. Go forward, then, and would have been a beautiful day, if not ...

Now it looks neat and tidier. More pictures are still not, as the screed must be cured first before it can bear weight Carstens

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why Cant I Play Port Royale 2 On Vista

Dear Reader,

we are very pleased to get so many requests on how to support us!
In the tab above on this page you will find the tab "Home + Living room Kissing eV.
If you click it, you go to a special page, where you can even get to the main page of our official homepage, or directly to the bottom of the "living space" (the picture with the tree).
Here you will find all information about how you can support our work.
many, Thank you for your BI 2

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Much Does 8x8 Mirror Cost?

Thursday, 24.02.11 hickups ...

... is English for "hiccups". And at times also referred to when there are minor difficulties. That we had this week a few.

First, a bill came to over 600 € from the floor plate builder for the "transfer of geothermal heat pipe". Actually, it was agreed that the civil contractors backed by pure. Had he not, that's why the company had to organize a mini-excavator and dig up the gravel bed again. On the answer to why the tubes were tricked before Scot net filling is not as agreed with, we are still waiting.

A second minor problem is our water supply: as we land at the beginning still waiting for the connection of the power cord had to, we could not fill the supply gap. Thanks NEM short cold snap of -12 degrees, the water line is frozen. Fortunately, not burst, but water does not hold any more. Normal yesterday laid the floor would have been crowded already, but that's probably still takes. At least as long until the line again, "entfroren is. It is supposed to be warmer. Quite an adventure - as a building in winter.

And the heat pump may still not know. Should probably be ne defective board, but without water is not so tragic.

morning should have come to the floor. We are curious.

But look at the Underfloor heating pipes laid out well - and the rest is right on schedule.

Telekom, we have the way they have done (unlike many other house builders, where we read along): First Contact straightforward about the "Client Hotline" (which is not everything). Then we could send two plans and have been promised that it goes quickly once we were ready. And indeed (!) Monday called upon the house connection is possible, and despite the strike was carried out following Thursday. Perfect. If they had still fairly reasonable prices, we would go to them. But they are just held at 30 € uros Month as the competition for an average of well over 40 € uro. At least they collect but uro € 353 for a residential line (until a few years Thats has nothing).

Here are some pictures:

The current state - look good in the sun:)

Telekom has installed fix the connection ( the small box to the left). Took less than an hour - very nice. Just need the alternative provider know our street ...

the placed "snakes". The obstacle course, if you want fast times in the laundry room (such as the Telekom man Viessmann technician and me ...)

The Forum is not loud just quietly heating circuit. After our bed distance is one meter away, we are excited

Our "hardly noticeable" Fuba bowl. Now they just need to work more ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

What Do People Think About Sharking?


Based on demand, share with us that council members can contact vertaulich us.
We are council members in question under

be a separate e-mail address and send this post, of course.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Knitting Pattern For Puffle

Saturday, 19:02:11 Well, who still digs so late ...

... on utility hole, which is Carsten - and he still swears. Or so can describe the last week. Blades to the hilt, so that the city works to create electricity, telephone and water into the house.

The lesser problem was the electrical system. As agreed, I pulled the department of public utilities on Monday its two cable through the conduits and the introduction of luxury multi-genre called "Basic" by Hauff in the laundry room. No problem Alf would say.

Things were different with the W-section: "the hole is not wide enough for two." It is also one of the workers move somewhat limited, so it will again be roomier. Finally, after 20 hours felt dig, probably also a wheelchair user would have been comfortable place.

on Thursday could therefore also the wiring of the (construction) carried water in the laundry room. Hurrah.

The cables and cable had now eingesandet and the gap to be filled again. Carsten had to organize semi-professional help from his brothers. The three of went much faster than alone.

then continued for the underground cable for future power supply in the garage / carport was verbuddelt. If the men "warm shoveled" ever are, you have to exploit the same.

Finally, the satellite dish be installed. Can not last so long, thought the owner. Has so many years ago at home somehow worked. However, unfamiliarity is pottering on the roof, even if a framework for protection. yes a few meters to the bottom.

Even the cable through the roof rafter bracket Kathrein proved much more demanding than intended. Then the stubborn cable with a lot of persuasion well and be followed by more cursing at the LNB. Nero Ahead is two hours around. And the most at about 2 degrees Celsius without pause roof. This is the official is not used (and righteous and the non-working brother).

the evening was at least a partial success can be reported: Bowl is, wires are connected. Only a few "little things" - no sound and picture on TV and probably no signal - must be corrected in the next few weeks. But it will come.

Next week the plumbing he come back, but probably still no return of the electrician to the current site electricity to temporary connection (with regular power) switch. Mainly works the front of the screed drying (in the few cents more to defeat the evil site electricity would book), but we are confident.

Here are some pictures:

A little chaos in the dining room during a visit to the sanitation people. Let's see if there in a couple of years looks like ... but Karin will know how to prevent it anyway?

A Bad Image, as the drains were installed

And this is an unprofessional screed lock on a shower tray - it includes the inclined Readers: builders performance

One of the hopefully rare occasions, our heat pump (Viessmann Vitocal 343) to see open. Somewhere and 220 liters of water fit inside

And the behind-the Vitocal. Actually, we wanted somewhere to hang a couple of storage shelves. Time to consider where we place yet.

The apparently preferred wardrobe version of finger-house (after we had noticed in another blog so)

The family
Buddelkolonne in use in the laying of underground cable

And the current stand mount the dish but is now installed in the south - was marked on the map on the west roof. But good for us Sun Now she has to transmit signals only at some point.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Football Cleat Template

One can be against a crematorium in Kissing,
can be indifferent to the be. But it
can not be.
On what grounds?
And this response?
What advantages does a crematorium to other Commercial enterprises?
If the supporters really for the crematorium?
Or simply "royalist," obedience to authority?

Masterbateing With Vaseline

Today on the town square!

The ladies and gentlemen, local councils have been canceled for the originally scheduled meeting today due to lack of agenda items.
However, we will demonstrate today at City Hall Square. Except
a rally with PowerPoint presentation, it will be the possibility that each protester present to exercise right to speak through a microphone. If all goes well technically, is also taken care of musical entertainment;)
We look forward to seeing you!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wrestling Singlet Toddler

Dear Reader,

in recent days, I was increasingly asked about it, that comments were not disclosed.
you can not find your comment as well, please send me the comment as a message to him
I will then set yourself with your name or pseudonym.
If you do not want, please try again later.
I "blogger" sent a request, why will not comments on my dashboard, but still here waiting for an answer.
Excuse please that fact, I hope this is about "blogger" to fix them soon.

Ooookay ...
"blogger" writes that some browsers now and then a problem with "blogger" (probably not the time; P), one should also allow third-party cookies, and if it all does not help the cookie cache. Obviously I have no way of influencing it, because I've already made all the settings here "Accept" button.
Hmmm, sounds very complicated.
may have come to the possibility of another PC in this blog. Often corporate PC's are strongly secured.

If you still encounter problems with the comment, send me an info.
If someone "blogger" - or pro-PC is a solution for this Problem knows, I would be grateful for any help!

course, we publish here all comments, unless the rules were followed.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Athletic Swimsuit Size Chart

Sunday, 13:02:11 invoice Supplement

Since we almost forgot the most important thing this week was the biggest bill of finger-house. We have carefully prepared the previous week, even with a letter on this announcement. If

think 65% (I would have to recalculate now look again or am too lazy) of the total. In any case, a huge sum, one must not think about the detail, you'll catch one's tears. We make

this over-or instructions to our bank with a so-called legitimate message. Means that I am writing an email and then confirm with a TAN. Works quite well. Even if you press "Return" to send pretty hard fall.

This time we still have a demand. It really is useful at such a high sum.

I had written with pure, that they should look for the progress the blog, which was enough indeed. yes, a few pictures are included. I had then only the account and planning permission to scan and email, now we are poor.

But fortunately, we see the success so now and can even enter it:)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sitting And Bouncing On Stomach

Saturday, 12:02:11 Free

Today we had our first "comfortable place." The more detail we used to work:

Karin emphasized the utility room white. Actually we have in our development package plastered walls, plastered but when the heat pump is the first time in the corner, with nothing more or Delete songwriter. So we have already whitewashed the corner, so we'll see later, are not to plasterboard more.

We have also strengthened in two places the battens on the ceiling: still to be bought after our dinner table lamp is probably a bit harder, we do not trust us, the only hang on the ceiling tiles. Therefore, we have a few Battens to the joists more appropriate to later secure the lamp in it. Just as we proceed in the future Mancave so that the projector is better than one, and makes no departure.

We have built the barriers for the shower floor in the children's bathtub and the bathtub.

And finally we have the ends of the conduits, which had hidden the civil contractors, measured, so we can find it easily later, when the trenches are filled. All in all an entertaining afternoon.

Next week, the electrician, to set the fuse box and complete the remaining work. In addition, the City works to connect of electricity and water announced. And "our" best column is also there to cover the roof ready to install drywall and to fill in and and and ...

And here are some pictures:

The additional battens over the dining table

... and again be measured by the cord, so that we find our way later when attaching. Paint Shop Pro is thanks.

And so like we have out process.

Naszaklasa Löschen


to the letter to grains of the family in today's issue of the Friedberger general:

The reason why BI has made 2 "only" 1,000 signatures is easy!
We have the remaining 600
asked not easy!

Kissing in order to seek a public petition to be (I'll ask again just after) requires about 950 signatures. We thought we were determined to submit the list with 1,000 signatures to a buffer for the with petitions usual committee of not permitted to have signatures. Before
here's the wildest conjectures are made, please ask in the future, simply. We do not bite.

This only marginally this list we had submitted earlier, had not been picked up in some shops laid out our list of unknowns ...

The demonstration on 3.2.2011 was solely to stop the building of the crematorium.
was to initially expressed exclusively in this request calls.
that these calls eventually capsized and were directed against our mayor was due to the continuing ignorance on the part of citizens who the mayor learned and experienced.
This error will not be so with us. Nevertheless, we have
ourselves for the next demo, with a microphone to control the group dynamics somewhat, because our objective is and remains the building freeze!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Wild Bachelorette Party

storm Friday, roof and detail work

After setting up with huge advances - so for the layman observer at least - we went on Thursday and Friday mainly on the roof on. Tarpaulins, battens and now the Vitosol solar system were installed.

Carsten could dig after 3 days and finally expose the ends of the conduits for the utilities (one for 100 water, two 50's for Stom and phone) and find the tubes of the multi-branch Hauff introduction. Not without difficulty - with a skeleton arm fell off the foot after it long enough including gravel had been removed. Was to be expected due to gravity, but a surprising end yet. But thanks to the namesake of professional support, was the corner with an entrance hall are again supported. Now the city works to come early next week and connect power / phone (Monday), and water (Tuesday).

works in contrast to the one or the other builders in our communication with their leaders so far fine. Work is also done at short notice and arrangements maintained.

We have chosen the way that set the city works a temporary connection in the laundry room with a 32 A fuse, first, to enable then enough juice for the screed machine is there and we secondly, in comparison with the site electricity low rates are. The latest on the floor so that makes drying it out a lot. Let's hope.

We have today made from all rooms pictures, so thanks to the (up to two rooms) open ceiling, hopefully, you can find the cable run, but later when we have to drill again. However, this is probably an optimistic undertaking, if the "cable-highways" as seen in the living room Sun But pictures at least not hurt and it was done relatively quickly.

morning we will cancel the utility room before, because otherwise we may get no more, when the heat pump is in place. Let's see if we won the later nor can render.

We got the party ever the key. Our first house keys - a nice feeling!

announced Thursday was mainly roof battens

The introduction of multi-branch dug behind the wooden boards. After the 4 tubes have not shown the same, Carson had to dig below the bottom plate with his hand and then continue to the upper end down. It then fell off the visible part of the framework and foot beam. But well that ends well ... now, we could also use the corner but still nen basement. Mmm ...

One of our cable car tracks ...

end of the day on Thursday

lifted on Friday morning, another crane the bricks and the roof Vitosol.

Country With The Average Largest Breasts

Other places, other customs ...

Well, 120 people in other places rich express your protest to the council votes against the construction of a crematorium.
We are ignored votes in 1600 ...

120 citizens in 3631 in a population of just over a Odendorf 30stel,

in the overall population of the municipality there are about Swisttal 151tel

we were 1600 of 11 114 inhabitants, equivalent to almost a 7tel

Why are our wishes exorbitant worth less than that of the citizens of other communities?
The knowledge of 1600 votes would have never the decision may be taken.
certainly not unanimous.

comforting to know that there are still communities that individuals consider important.

And, it's not true, of course! The individual weighs in Kissing something.
If you consider that the council voting (20 votes) + mayor (1 vote) are just a rounded 529stel, it must be said, but the individual weights. Well it all depends only on individuals who ...


isttaler council

crematorium is not built

Created 24.02.10, 12:08 h, updated 24.02.10, 15:02

The proposed crematorium in the industrial area Odendorf Now is not yet built. After massive protests of the citizens Swisttal council by secret ballot, the project has abelehnt.

After massive public protests, the crematorium now not yet built. (Photo: Homey)
After massive public protests, the crematorium is now not yet built. (Photo: Homey)
Swisttal-Odendorf - The proposed crematorium in the industrial area Odendorf is not built. The council Swisttal rejected by secret ballot from 16 to 14 votes with four abstentions this project. Not least in the wake of a massive public protest before and during the Council meeting. About 120 citizens, mostly from Odendorf protested with signs like "Odendorf should not be a dead village", "crematory - No, thanks" or "We are opposed to the crematorium in Odendorf" against the proposed cremation grounds on the edge of their village.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Can I Put A Fridge In A Skip?

BR 2 Zündfunk "of Article AZ

This is reporting. Neutral, objective, well researched and excellence.

What Kind Of Printer Did Bella Have In New Moon

02/10/2011 02/10/2011

This item now has nothing to do with the debate about Kissinger, the crematorium,
the subject but was repeatedly complained in comments and in emails to us.
So here are the articles:

Well ...