Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sitting And Bouncing On Stomach

Saturday, 12:02:11 Free

Today we had our first "comfortable place." The more detail we used to work:

Karin emphasized the utility room white. Actually we have in our development package plastered walls, plastered but when the heat pump is the first time in the corner, with nothing more or Delete songwriter. So we have already whitewashed the corner, so we'll see later, are not to plasterboard more.

We have also strengthened in two places the battens on the ceiling: still to be bought after our dinner table lamp is probably a bit harder, we do not trust us, the only hang on the ceiling tiles. Therefore, we have a few Battens to the joists more appropriate to later secure the lamp in it. Just as we proceed in the future Mancave so that the projector is better than one, and makes no departure.

We have built the barriers for the shower floor in the children's bathtub and the bathtub.

And finally we have the ends of the conduits, which had hidden the civil contractors, measured, so we can find it easily later, when the trenches are filled. All in all an entertaining afternoon.

Next week, the electrician, to set the fuse box and complete the remaining work. In addition, the City works to connect of electricity and water announced. And "our" best column is also there to cover the roof ready to install drywall and to fill in and and and ...

And here are some pictures:

The additional battens over the dining table

... and again be measured by the cord, so that we find our way later when attaching. Paint Shop Pro is thanks.

And so like we have out process.


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