... is English for "hiccups". And at times also referred to when there are minor difficulties. That we had this week a few.
First, a bill came to over 600 € from the floor plate builder for the "transfer of geothermal heat pipe". Actually, it was agreed that the civil contractors backed by pure. Had he not, that's why the company had to organize a mini-excavator and dig up the gravel bed again. On the answer to why the tubes were tricked before Scot net filling is not as agreed with, we are still waiting.
A second minor problem is our water supply: as we land at the beginning still waiting for the connection of the power cord had to, we could not fill the supply gap. Thanks NEM short cold snap of -12 degrees, the water line is frozen. Fortunately, not burst, but water does not hold any more. Normal yesterday laid the floor would have been crowded already, but that's probably still takes. At least as long until the line again, "entfroren is. It is supposed to be warmer. Quite an adventure - as a building in winter.
And the heat pump may still not know. Should probably be ne defective board, but without water is not so tragic.
morning should have come to the floor. We are curious.
But look at the Underfloor heating pipes laid out well - and the rest is right on schedule.
Telekom, we have the way they have done (unlike many other house builders, where we read along): First Contact straightforward about the "Client Hotline" (which is not everything). Then we could send two plans and have been promised that it goes quickly once we were ready. And indeed (!) Monday called upon the house connection is possible, and despite the strike was carried out following Thursday. Perfect. If they had still fairly reasonable prices, we would go to them. But they are just held at 30 € uros Month as the competition for an average of well over 40 € uro. At least they collect but uro € 353 for a residential line (until a few years Thats has nothing).
Here are some pictures:
The current state - look good in the sun:)
Telekom has installed fix the connection ( the small box to the left). Took less than an hour - very nice. Just need the alternative provider know our street ...
the placed "snakes". The obstacle course, if you want fast times in the laundry room (such as the Telekom man Viessmann technician and me ...)
The Forum is not loud just quietly heating circuit. After our bed distance is one meter away, we are excited
Our "hardly noticeable" Fuba bowl. Now they just need to work more ...
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