This morning we arrived for coffee break - that as the organizer. The Guys were busy until then been all - the ceiling of the floor was now and it was difficult to installing the roof.
to the already present three electricians from Schilling joined by two more. Moreover, were the scaffolding still in use all day (and later inspired by their work).
us for gabs in addition to workers' Entertainment - also check off a few items on the to-do list - that supply.
Carsten bugged the electricians with questions Ausborgbitten ("You do have so nen Fostnerbohrer ...";" Do you ?..." NEN pull wire and how do I use the most? "), And support requests (" has the taut wire ... somehow ... to be hanged in the wall "). Nevertheless, the electrician was totally relaxed, friendly and helpful. Perfect. Eventually were able to coax the two household distribution to the television set into the living room and a replacement cable - to the four finger at home commissioned - the roof. If even one of the four fails or is damaged. Of course, if two go broke, we are also eliminated. A Thanks for the tip again to the topfield forum.
something we lied, anger - but not with the workers present, but with the preparatory work of the low-maker: he has verbuddelt the conduits for the utilities to the extent that Carson was allowed to dig it with great difficulty. And the ends did not find. Despite two hours digging Hardcore (severe Loam, mixed with stones in all sizes) - for an official doubly difficult because unusual - only one of the three desired ends in sight. But would be too easy if everything would work smoothly.
So far, we can say nothing negative about the parties right now. We may continue.
And some pictures from today:
... exactly. The solution we need not write.
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